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Thursday, August 11, 2011
New blog =)

Hey People, I was suppose to post this notice like a year ago. ahahaa
Anyway, I'm opening a new blog and this is the address. http://www.elaineylicious.blogspot.com/
I won't be using this blog anymore so if you want to know what's going on in my life then visit my new blog..^^

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It's my birthday!!! ^^

Annyeong haseyo!!

So i'm going to blog about my birthday first. ahaha.. THANK YOU EVERYONE!! for remembering my birthday and showing that you care!!..=D I'm so going to reply you guys on facebook but after thursday.

So overeall i had an awesome day on friday. Went to watch movie with Grace, Lavee, Irene, and Yixuan. Then we went to eat BBQ Plaze in Sunway and they bought me a cake! Awww..thanks!!..ahaha.. sometimes i don't really know how to act on my birthday..XD should i stay innocent and pretend that there's nothing until someone wishes me?? or should i just go around saying it's my birthday!! it's my birthday!! and start asking for presents??.. i've tried the first one but it never seems to work out so i guess i'm the second type, the one that goes around demanding for presents. ahaha

Oh ya!! did i mention i drove alone to college on my birthday?! it was my first time driving to college and i had to drive through my first roundabout too. ahaha..i got honed by the car behind me for blocking the way. XD but i managed to reach college safely!

At night, i went out with my family to eat DAORAE!! the waiters were very friendly. =) they gave us complementary pancake and steam egg like usual. The best part was when my mom ordered SOJUUU!!! woohooo!! ahaha.. its kind of bitter in the beginning and at the end but when you swallow it, it's very smooth and it doesn't burn your throat.


i also ate a lot of cakes on my birthday.. ahaha.. fruit cake, pancake, rice cake and mango cake..=D
so here is my favourite photo of the day! (family pictures are private but i guess this one is okay)

ahaha..i think i like this photo because i look like i'm singing with the soju bottle. i look drunk. XD

so that's all about my birthday. =)

Now, time to let it out. Grace and i have been preparing for our interview recently for the exchange program. ahaha.. and the interview was today. i was really nervous at first. i was shaking and butterflies were in my stomach. but as more applicant went in for the interview, i began relaxing a little by little. Qiu Hui was also there for the interview cause i told her to apply!! XD

so i spoke to Qiu Hui, Grace and the other applicants and that made my butterflies fly away. =)

In other words, i was feeling perfectly fine. ahaha. so when it was my turn, i just went in and say Hi, my name is elaine. My original plan of greeting them with annyeong haseyo and shaking their hands didn't work out. i must have chicken out. XD

They started asking question and i did my best in answering their question. ahaha. after i was done, i kept getting flashback like i should have said this, i should have done that, i shouldn't have said that, instead i should have said this!! omg! i can't even remember clearly what they ask me and what i answered. So i guess i was nervous but it was silent. silent killer! XD

Anyway, i hope they like me and i'll pass the interview. I think Grace did pretty good, based on what she told me after the interview. =) i hope BOTH OF US get chosen! yay!! i wonder how was Qiu Hui's interview..XD..she told me a bit about it..

Overall, in order to get rid of this 'i should have done this done that feeling', i decided to blog about it and i think i'm feeling better. ahaha. it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, as long as you enjoyed the process! right? but of course, everybody prefer to enjoy the process and win! =)

Thursday, July 1, 2010
mood swings?? or my hormones??

Good night!! ahaha.. =)
well, i started my day by going for my maths class in the morning. I couldn't concentrate during the class. luckily the teacher wasn't teaching cause i couldn't even concentrate on doing the work. ahaha.. and lots of thank to Grace and Irene for showing me the shortcut instead or building a super huge pyramid! If you know what i mean..=)
after the class, we went to shop for venues for the graduation party. We ate our lunch first in pyramid and at that moment i was in a crappish mood. then we went to eat takoyaki so i was slowly healing from that mood.
Then we went to Sunway hotel to enquire about the function rooms and the prices, it was really really expensive! overbudget times 10!! ahaha.. so we decided to check out amp square the karaoke place. =)
the place was very hyped! quite a good choice. it's affordable, reasonable, accommodatable and there's plenty of space for fun! ^^ but at that time, my blurness started to kicked in!!
By the time we reach the Sunway resort to ask about their function rooms, i wasn't really aware of what i was asking and my friend said it was random..XD i can't really remember what i've asked too..
the club one was pretty tempting too. it has the atmosphere, also affordable, quite nice and its next to the pool! but we have to find a member so that we can get better offers. =)
Then khairul drove us back to college and i went to enquire about the korean transfer program again at the office with lavee, grace, yixuan and sam.. i really really want to go but i hope i'm not making any rash decision.. If i want to apply now, i have to apply for my degree now too! it might be a bit rushing but i really want to experience staying there! I was actually fantasizing on how it'll be like living in Korea and out of the blue my friend told me about the program! it was like fate! ahaha
after going to the office, i was suppose to go to the korean class but apparently there wasn't any korean class until the 14th of July. So i went to the library with Qiu Hui to study.
At night i went for my sister's cultural night. it was actually interesting (reminds me of critical thinking)
its nice to give out your opinions and at the same time listen to others..
Overall, i had a wondering, crappish, blurry, undecisive, interesting day!.. not too bad..=)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
what am i doing at 2.25 a.m.? =)

Helo! I've decided to change my font for fun but that's not the main point..ahaha
so what am i doing here at this time? the answer is simple. I'm waiting for my drama to start which is at 3.15 a.m.
there's nothing really special about this drama but i just wanted to see how the cute 30-years-old guy propose to the 20-years-old girl..XD
ahaha..I'm catdhing the show at this timing because i'm most probably going to miss it when it replay tomorrow.
Why am i missing it???
weellll..My sis decided to bring me for this aa..sharing night (or something like that) with her thinklab members.
I told her i got quiz on thursday but she was like can laa.. I want to expose you. XD
It's kind of like a good thing but i'm still a bit shy when meeting with new people. However, i think i've improved about..50% ?.. i'm not as shy as last time and i'm more out going now. so i'll be okay i guess..=)
anyway, i was thinking what should i do while waiting for the show to start.
1st sleep, wake up and watch, sleep back
2nd do english, watch, sleep
3rd sleep, sleep, sleep (and miss the show..XD)
decided to go with the 2nd choice since i'm quite alert but typing this post is beginning to consume my energy..ahaha

OH YA!! did i mentioned i went belly dancing with my sister today?
It was a bit spontaneous for me and it was kind of like a trial class so shake shake!! shake shake!!
my back hurts a bit, may be its because i hunched too much.
and i realised that i'm quite a good dancer. It just that i'm a bit stiff and my coordination is not that good.
The hands move and the legs don't move, the legs move and the hands don't move, the hands AND legs move but the body don't move (belly dancing is all about the body right?)
Overall it was fun but i've decided not to take the class.
My sis is taking it though, so i'll ask her to teach me!..=)yay!!
I even had this crazy idea of performing belly dancing for my graduation party if there are performance.. ahaha
but only if i'm able to dance finish the whole song.
ahaha..do bear in mind that i'm thought by my sis and only a beginner so it may cause eye sore if its not nice. so better bring eye mo!..XD
I'm more interested in freestyle. I wonder whether i should join. hmm.. its RM240 for 3 months, the very first class for beginners starts on monday, got to decide quickly.. =)
okay, enough of dancing so now KOREAAAA!!!
ahaha..Yixuan and i went to ask for some information on the korea transfer program today! I felt like i shouldn't miss out on this golden opportunity and experience so i took the application form eventhough the date line is on the 30th of June but the guy said we can hand in next week too.
SHould i apply now or next year?? I really want to go!!..=)
It's a one year transfer program though, but just imagine what you can gain from the experience!! waaahhhh..*o*(twinkling eyes)~
accomodation and meals are sponsor, you have to work and study at the same time, mostly it'll be on cultural stuff, they put there XXX USD$200 (at first i thought it was the allowance but now i think it's the money you get paid for working at the ENglish cafe)..ahaha
am i rushing things if i apply now?? or should i pray for 365days and wait for next june??
ahaha..eventhough i've read the blogs of those that had been chosen for the program, there were ups and downs but no matter what, i think i can handle it..=)
if the food is not that nice, it'll still be at least nicer than what i might cook. XD..no no..i must have confidence in my cooking skills. =)
the weather, i've been through hot and cold. nooo problem!!..=)i would look forward to spring, autumn and winter though cause we don't have that season in Malaysia.
last but not least, my drama is starting soon so i'm going to sign off here. ^^
good night and sweet dreams to whoever is reading this!

wait.. am i a funny person?? or just lame?? or not funny nor lame?? ahaha

Sunday, June 27, 2010

ahaha..i told myself that i wasn't going to update my blog until i finish my review literature for english and guess what??!!

but that's only one of the things in my to do list.
what other things are there in my to do list?? hmm..
academic writing (strike off)
change persuasive essay
change definition essay
reflective writing
process essay
report of findings
finance report
Culture and performance report

ahaha..so one down and a few more to go. =)
Now that i'm done with my assignment post, it's time for FOOD!!
when i was doing my essays, i kept searching high and low for food.
Then i saw BANANAS, and i remember my mom just bought yogurt yesterday


ahaha..besides that, i also ate honeystars with milk, porridge, seaweed (I LOVEE SEAWEED) and some junkfood.

now here are some other photos of food i've eaten for the past few weeks..ahaha

Home-made bibimbap..yummm...^^

Well, i know i wrote 'some photos' but there's only one because i have some troubles uploading those photos..ahaha

Anyway, my mom also made the korean rice cake!!

I've discovered that there's a korean stall in 1 Utama that sells korean food!!ahaha..so we bought quite a lot of stuff from there even though its quite small and have i mentioned that my mom successfully made kimchi??!! =D

well, that's all for now i guess.. should i take korean cooking classes?? XD

Friday, June 25, 2010
testing my patience ehh???

oh where oh where is my junior & bee?
oh where oh where could they be..
when the count down hits zero,
please show up for me,
so that i can win 2 passes for free..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
feeling better..MUCH much better..=)

Helo!..=) I'm feeling much better than in the morning. I don't know why but i had a headache..ahaha.. it may be due to stress? pressure?? not enough water??? and then my mom said its because of TOO MUCH SLEEP!!...
well.. i slept on the sofa yesterday night because i wanted to wake up early so that i could do my work but when i woke up, i went to my room and sleep again..
ahaha..however, my bed was full of clothes so i slept on the floor. I woke up around 10.30 which was later than i expected and i had that headache bugging me..
so i decided to go back to sleep again to get rid of the headache and as a result i woke up at 2pm but i was totally recharged!!
no headache!! no burping!! just hungry and thirsty..XD
well..that's all for this post.. got to get ready for the korean class..=)
hmm..but qiu hui is not going so i'll be alone..T_T
but it's okay..i'm big and brave enough to do things on my own right..ahahahaha..
i'll definitely start doing english when i'm back!!..^^

Friday, June 4, 2010
where is Elaineeee???

I'm here obviously!! but that's just my body, brain, and half of me. I feel so empty recently. Noooo.. actually i've been feeling like this for the past 6 weeks or so!!
I can't really focus and concentrate, I don't feel the momentum yet, I lack of inspiration, I'm doubting a lot, I get annoyed and irritated and i just feel like there's something i need to fix or do in order to get back on my feet again!!
Life is like a puzzle! indeed! but i can't seem to find the right pieces to fix together, infact there are missing pieces that needs to be discover.
I want to be able to focus and concentrate to do well in my studies! I want to gain my energy back! I will be optimistic! I know that one day I'll be able to find myself! and i'll feel happy and satisfied with myself and my life!..=)
i need inspiration!! someone please give it to me?!
ahaha.. actually i can get inspired easily!! ^^ .. i was inspired before by watching fruit basket, master of study, colourcloud palace and etc. i get inspired by my friends too like seeing how they really study hard will inspire me or just seeing them do something that is inspiring..ahaha
well, that's all for this post. =) time to eat my food?? foot?? FRUIT!!! ahaha

Friday, May 7, 2010

ahaha, i'm very free now. =) but the truth is I'm actually not that free. However, i still feel so calm and relax which is wrong because it's about time i get my butt out of the chair and start doing my work!! like seriously!!
Anyway, I've just ate a late night supper which i shouldn't have because I've been eating a lot lately!! hmm.. I wonder why? may be I'm undergoing a bit of depression? ahaha.. well.. it's because i was lazy to keep the food in the frigde so i decided to eat finish everything. XD Just a few days ago, i ate a full bow of rice and maggi mee at the same time because i wanted to finish the kimchi. =) wrong decision. ahaha
Besides that, i was going to blog about something depressing the other day because i was quite depressed. I was using my handphone to blog and was about to publish the post but i accidentally pressed the wrong button and the whole post was gone. ahaha.. sudah depressed tambah depressed lagi. =.= It'll be even more depressing for me to rewrite it again so i didn't. May be it just wasn't meant to be posted here because the post was just so weird and depressing. ahaha
Hmm.. change topic.. =) okayyy!!! I'm like seriously in love with a korean actor's voice!! He is an actor but he sings too and his voice is sooo charismatic!! It's not exactly the voice of an angel but its really nice! To me at least..^^ Did you guys know that i dislike music when i was small?? ahaha..
oh yes.. i dislike it a lot. I get headache from it and I get annoyed by it. I can only listen to music when its soft and in a short term. ahaha.. but look at me now!! I listen to music sometimes before i sleep to calm my thoughts or sometimes just to listen to some nice songs..=)
Well, changes happen in everyone's life and we can't deny it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The things i've done with my mom.. XD

ahaha..when i think about the things I've done with my mom in the house, I think it's quite funny. XD
well, this just happened just now. I was watching tv just now and suddenly i heard my mom screaming ' AHhh' 'Ahhh' 'Ahhh' !!! So i quickly rush upstairs and i thought i heard my mom say RAATTT!!! but nooo.. I've heard wrongly!! It was actually a BAT!! I was like OMG!! What's a bat doing in my mom's room??!!
ahaha.. apparently the bat flew in through the toilet window and then it clung onto the curtain of my mom's room window. I've never seen a bat so upclose before and i didn't know i was afraid of it!! I didn't know i had bat phobia!! and i had to chase the bat away!! ahaha.. So i was hesitating and at that moment i really hope that we had a man in the house cause my dad is in China and i don't have a boyfriend or a brother. My eldest sister will be even more afraid than i am. Then my mom say we need to chase it outside if not she won't be able to sleep tonight.
ahaha.. i can imagine that. Imagine sleepingin the dark and when you open your eyes you can see 2 red eyes staring at you.. creepyyyy.. =) so i put my courage together and went to oepn the balcony door and the window. Everytime i ran near the bat i would run back to the door. ahaha..
So we were waiting at the door there for it to fly out on its own but it didn't even move. at that moment i felt like taking a picture of it so that i can put it in my blog but i didn't. oh well..
when the bat still didn't move, my mom took a file and gave it to me. She wanted me to use the file to fan the bat so that it'll move but i was thinking differently. I wanted to use the file to protect myself incase the bat fly here and there. XD
Anyway, my mom went to flip over the curtain and the bat still clung onto it. =.=
after awhile the bat didn't clung onto the curtain anymore. It was out side the room already but it was clunging onto the window wall and its claw was blocking us from closing the window.
We quickly close the balcony door first and i went to take a broom stick so that i can move its claw away. Mann, that bat was sure fearless! so i poke and peep and poke and peep. There was one time when i put the brron beside me to peep whether the bat is still there. As you know the bat can fly anytime so it was also scary to peep. A very intense moment was going on then suddenly 'POM' and my mom and i screamt 'Ahhhhh!!' but it turn out to be the broom that was beside me has fallen onto the floor. XD
It was a happy ending.=) We managed to get the claw out of the way so that we can close the window but the bat was still clunging onto the wall. Well, as long as its not in my house then its okay and my mom can sleep soundly. =)

So that's the story of how my mom and I chased out a bat. ahaha. Actually we've also chased a cat and a squirrel out of the house. XD hilarious!!
ahaha.. that's all for today i guess. =) night night

Monday, April 12, 2010
Depressed for 2 reasons. . .

I feel so bad,
It makes me mad;
I shouldn't have make,
What might be fake.

I feel so sad,
And I did talk to my dad;
Dealing with emotions,
Restraining from commotions.

Have no mood to blog,
Feel like moving a log;
Its not a very big deal,
I'll feel better after a meal.

I'm so sorry,
I love my mummy;
So cheer up,
Then you can refill your cup!

Saturday, April 10, 2010
I LOVEE my bed! ^^

I LOVEE my blanket! I LOVEE my pillow! And I LOVEE my boster! >3

Thursday, April 8, 2010
egg rolled omellete!

okay!! today is all about egg rolled omellete!!

soooo.. i took a picture of my 3rd trial!! =)

ahaha.. a picture before i cut the omellete..

it's actually a mixture of brown sugar and mango plus egg!! =)

looks nice right?? but its not.. =.=

anyway, I've decided to reduce the amount of sugar because it was too sweet..XD

but my next trial will definitely be nicer. =)

omg.. this is so awkward.. i can't stand reading my own blog..

stop reading.. STOP READING!! it sound soooo weird!! ( this is directed to someone in specific.. not you.. don't worry..ahaha)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
a little bit of something for everyday.. =)

okay!! ahaha.. I'm going to blog a bit differently today.. XD
hmm.. how do i make the font bigger? It's so small that my eyes have to really focus to read and it's not because of my bad hand writing.

AHAHA.. Is this big enough??

Or may be this big??

Anyway, i remember 3 things my NS teacher once told me.
The 1st thing he told us was to pick up the trash whenever we see one.

The 2nd one was tooo.. oh ya, to greet whoever we met. HELLOOO there!! I'm sort of like meeting you too but it's just that i can't see you but i know you're there if you're reading this..ahaha

And the last one is to do something special everyday. When i say special, i don't literally mean it must be special. It can be just something ordinary but you would be able to remember it the next day. For example, like if i ask you what did you do yesterday, you would be able to tell me what you did like may be 'you ran after a dog?' or 'got chased by a chipmunk?' =)
It's just something interesting that happen to you because my teacher's theory was we should live our life everyday. We should do something interesting. If you can't do it everyday, then do something crazy once in awhile.

He even told us about a story when he told this to his class in the previous intake.
A guy got really determined and said he would get into the girls dorm (btw, the girls and guys dorm are separated in NS). ahaha.. it's kind of crazy and i forgotten what happened next. XD

So my story today is. . .ahaha. . .I didn't really do anything interesting.

I woke up in the morning today and i knew i needed to exercise!
so happened my sister was exercising with the playstation dancing mate so i joined in..=)

a picture of the mate. ^^

ahaha, after that the rest of my day was pretty normal.

Well, enough for today.

Good Night!! Love this font size! So easy to read!! ^^

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
recipes.. =)

helo!! ahaha.. guess what i'm going to blog about??!! FOOODD!! ^^
well, it's still my holiday and i had a sudden urge to surf the net to look for korean side dishes recipe.. ahaha.. and i found a lot of recipes but i didn't have all the ingredient!!
i want to make kimchi!! but i need the Korean chilli powder. I want to go Ampang.. =.=
anyway, i somehow found some ingredient and made 2... aaa.. one quite successful and another not so successful dish..ahahah
well, the 1s dish is the Korean rolled omelette. =) this was quite a success but my mom say there wasn't any unique taste. ahaha. nvm. i'll experiment on it again next time. I don't have a photo of this dish because i ate finish it before i realized i should have taken a photo of it.. XD
the next dish is a korean pancake.. ahahha..
hmm.. i'm suppose to use zucchini but i don't have that vegetable so i used japanese cucumber instead. ahaha.. and i'm also not sure whether i used the correct flour for the pancake..XD

ahaha.. i ate kimchi with the pancake to make my life easier.. XD
don't worry, that's not the kimchi i made. the one i made was too salty and tasteless that it had to go to the dumpster. XD
the sauce next to the plate is a combination of soya sauce and vinegar. ahaha. actually i'm not sure whether this is the correct sauce for the pancake. i only remember browsing through all the website and saw this sauce recipe but i forgotten it was for which dish.
the pancake looks pretty okay right?? =)

ahaha.. now you can take a closer look..
Ill definitely try again and i know it'll taste better the next time..
hmmm.. since my rolled omelette was quite a success, may be i should consider cooking for my friends to try. =)
It's really simple too so it won't consume a lot of my time..ahahaha..you guys better be careful, i'm going to bring my rolled omelette to college one day!! ^^
As long as there's nothing important the next day like a test or presentation, you are safe to consume my dishes.. =)

Monday, April 5, 2010
midst of thinking. . .

haizz.. i suddenly feel like blogging but there are just so many things to express..
well, i've got a half-dangling unfinish post which i'm not going to blog about it now, i just watched finished "you're beautiful" which is currently still stuck in my head, i've also read finish the 4th book of the twilight saga which is "breaking dawn" but that fantasy is slowing starting to fade due to the korean drama, and now i'm thinking about my future which is what i'm going to blog about now. =)
(noticed i've started to use , instead of .. .ahaha..this is because i'm practicing to write proper sentences which is not coming out so well with my first sentence which have like about 4 commas! )

I'm currently having 3 weeks break and this is my 2nd week already! I have to admit that i didn't make full use of my holiday. I didn't plan it out properly and i just linger around my house, doing random things and etc. Semester 3 is going to start soon and i'm going to have a headache. I mean if i don't figure out what degree to pursue then i'm going to have a headache. So i'm just going to blog about what I've been thinking.

so i was washing the dishes just now and my mom suddenly started talking about degrees. I usually try to avoid this topic of conversation because i just can't figure out what i want to do and i'm tired of giving the same excuses of "i don't know". Then i started thinking again about the options i had considered before for example mechanical engineering. Well, this options came up because i like to repair mechanic pencils. I'm also quite good at building and demolishing things. =) If i just see how other people fix something, i can catch up pretty fast with my genius brain. ahaha.. And i also don't mind getting oil or stains on my hands. When i'm clean, i'm a neat freak. When it's time to get down and dirty, I'll get down and dirty all the way! ^^ but well, this option didn't work out because hmm.. may be its because i keep convincing myself that i don't really like science. I kept telling myself that i just studied science to score well in spm but now i still don't really know whether i regret dropping my science and going for arts for pre-u. I was pretty rebellious at that time when i had to choose. Besides that, when i studied physics and chemistry in form 6 (i only tried for 2 weeks), i had no idea what the teacher was talking about and i didn't make an effort in trying to understand it either. I was just ... not thinking right at that time too. So in the end, when i took foundation in arts as my pre-u course, mechanical engineering was out.

Well, I've considered being a teacher before but i'm still not sure about this one. May be i'm influence by too many shows but i've always feel like influencing people in a good way. The feeling of a normal person like me can make a change or a difference in their life. Teaching is fun i guess but i don't really know whether i'm good at it. I am a fast learner but i'm not that good in explaining. There are a few teachers that i really like during my high school years because they really know how to teach. there's Pn.Chuah!!! my add. maths teacher.. XD Pn. Leela, used to be my history teacher. Pn. Shanta, my biology teacher which really made me understand biology..=) and of course my tuition teachers. I've always thought of how cool it would be to be like one of them, to be liked by the students and not to mention to be a 'hot' teacher that some senior students might have a crush on.. ahaha.. owwhh.. my dear brain that thinks too much.. i also like to mark papers. =) you know, holding a red pen and tick tick tick, cross cross cross, it's fun! Actually i might be a teacher but the low pay of a teacher is really holding me back. I might like being a teacher but i love money too!! ahaha.. unless i'm married to a super rich husband..XD

Besides that, i've also thought of becoming an actuarist. ahaha.. actually i'm still considering it but if i do want to pursue that degree then it will take very long and i'll need to repeat my pre-u and i MUST have a scholarship! The pay for this job is reaallllyyy good $$, not to mention it also involves lots of maths which i love!! and some economics. But somehow i chicken out from this options. Well, you see there's this genius guy in my secondary school like seriously a genius in maths. he has won many maths competition and even represented our COUNTRY!! for the olympic maths in don't know which country and won the 2nd place!! How genius is that!! he even got a JPA scholarship to pursue actuarial science in overseas. well, i couldn't help it but i kept camparing myself to that guy. At least i did participated in a few maths competition but i've never won, i don't get 100% for my exam everytime and i'm not as genius as him. So that's why i was cowardly with this option.

Hmmm.. another option was to become a pilot!! ahaha.. Quite random right?? It was just that moment when i felt like flying. ahaha.. actually i've thought of becoming an airstewardess but just incase i don't like serving then i can become a pilot. =) the pay is pretty good too!! the only concern is that your life and a few more hundred of other people's life is in your HANDS!! and the irregular working hours. But the thing is you don't need a degree to be a pilot of an airstewardess. So if just say you straight away go for this options and in the end you didn't like it, then you'll have a hard time looking for a job because you don't have a degree unless you are some super genius with super ideas to startup a super business and get super rich! ahaha.. then fine, go for it, what's the risk? So i've decided to have at least a degree first but this option is still currently open. May be to be consider after 8 years?

Okayy, ahaha, are you bored? nop. Am i bored? nop. So let's continue.=) the next option is a lawyer. I didn't really like the idea of being a lawyer at first but now i think its not such a bad idea. My mom and sister suggested this occupation after they went for a talk. it's kind of like by using you birthday, you can count and see what job is suitable for you and many more. So apparently i'm suitable to be a lawyer. Hah!! I'm going to sue you! XD.. well.. i just don't like it when you have to write reports but i think you can't escape from this in other jobs too. And i've not tried debating before so may be i should try it one day. =)

ahaha.. last but not least was accounting!! hmm.. i was quite rebellious with this option too. May be its because a lot of people suggested accounting and i got irritated so i didn't really like it. I did take accounting in form 4 but i've dropped it when i was in form 5 because i kept dozing off when teacher was teaching and i eventually couldn't catch up. But now i'm currently learning accounting in my pre-u course and it is actually quite. . . enjoyable i guess?! So i'm considering it. It's also like a common degree that people take when they don't really know what they want to do. The only cons for it is that during the year end it'll be very busy and you have to write a financial report. But of course there are pros too.

hmm.. actually there's more.XD.. well, this is not really an occupation thing but its kind of like a dream?? or hobby?? Its dancing!! =) ahaha..i love dancing but i'm not sure whether i'm good at it. it's just words with no action.=.= The only time i've perform was when i was 6 years old doing the "macarena". May be i've really watch too much television cause i've wonder what it was like to be a singer or an actress, to be able to dance on stage, to be able to act in different drama and different storyline which is all lay out infront of you. But of course reality kicks in and you know that your life is different from those drama. Your life itself has its own drama. The storyline may not lay out infront of you but it'll be discovered as time passes. So in some way you are an actress in your own life. You're the main character and you have a never ending episode until its time.

TOO much drama! Too much influence!! yes..i'm caught in my fantasy again.. sorry

Well, that's all for now. ahaha. NOW you know the story of elaine's indecisive decisions and options. XD But no matter what, I will have a happy ending! =)

Friday, February 26, 2010
Sleepless night T.T

My eyes are wide open now.. Staring blankly at the ceiling and wanting to talk to someone but my phone battery and credit is very low.. I don't know why but I can't seem to sleep and this is not normal cause I LOVEEE sleeping.. =) when I close my eyes, my brain just keeps thinking and i'm not sure what am I thinking about.. Ahaha..
But I had a pretty good day today.. Went to college at 8.30 and my classes ended at 2.30.. After that I went to pyramid with my close friends(jj, zr, hl) which I missed so very much.. Oh ya.. Pooi lee went to penang for her internship already.. =( and hui yin is in australia now but thanks to technology we can still keep in touch =) qiu hui didn't go because she's working.. So we went bowling but I didn't get any strikes.. >.< nvm.. I shall practice more.. Ahaha.. Then we watched percy jackson which was ok ok funny here and there and surprising at some moment.. XD.. If you want to watch then you better watch the trailer 1st.. After the show I seriously need to pee.. Ahaha.. Then we ate papa john's for dinner.. And suddenly I was a boss! Ahaha.. Don't know why.. XD.. When I reached home, I watched happy together for awhile then I doze off.. When I woke up it was around 1am so I went to bathe and after that I couldn't sleep and im writing this post..
Ahaha.. I still haven't post about my cheese and cny.. Oh well.. Good night bloggy~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Happy new year! ^^

Helo! Ahaha.. Happy new year! Its been so long since I last updated my blog.. =)
Well.. Ahaha.. I have to blog about this because I really had a great trip to japan last year.. Omg.. The people there are so so so sooo friendly and polite.. But majority of the people we've talked to works at the train station.. They even came out of the convenient store to show us direction.. So sweeet! so overall we had a great trip!!..ahaha

hmm.. okayyy..i'm stuck..ahaha..i must get that momentum in writing blogs first then only i'll know what to write.....awkwardd.....
oh well..ahaha..i'll post a better post next time..^^

Sunday, October 25, 2009
ahaha..an outing..=)

helo!! its tomorrow which is today! ahaha..=)
well..i'm going to update on the things that happened on last friday..
it was the last day of my examination and i had three exams on that day..ahaha
my first exam was accounts..i thought i did pretty well except for the last question..
after accounts we had moral..ahahaha...well..i did read the notes that teacher gave us but when the paper was on the table..XD..the notes did help a bit but most of it wasn't in the notes..or was it in the notes?? ahaha.anyway i was half asleep when i was reading moral..
apparently.. moral was the last exam for my friends except me and a few more people because we took computer science..
so off i go to take my comp science exam..hmmm.. my comp science exam was aaa..75% understandable and 25% i don't know what they're talking about..XD..ahaha..actually its not that bad..
i didn't know what it meant in computer language so i wrote down the answer translating it to english language..ahaha..like they asked me what is data validation?..(i didn't read the text book..T_T)..so i just wrote that it was a data which is validate..XD..
actually..75 marks of that paper is based on what the teacher has given to us and 25 marks is based on the text book..so i decided to focus on the notes teacher gave..
ahaha..you must be real bored reading about examination post..

okay..so after the exam i went to pyramid to join my friends..after that i went to fetch my sister from her college which is near to IKEA..
ahaha..since we're already around that neighbourhood..we decided to go to IKEA..=)

a random picture..^^

ahaha..that is actually my first time trying to upload a picture in this blog..usually melissa helps me in these things but she's got her exam..=)

on our way to ikea..=)

ahaha..i know that i've passed my driving test and i have a P license now so don't worry..
i won't drive on the right lane..we're suppose to drive on the left lane right?? ..
ahaha..dangerous driver here..^^

anyway..we went to look around in IKEA and we bought some things..ahaha..we actually bought something!!..i thought we were going for window shopping..XD
the things we bought
..ahaha..notice that there is a mattress there..how are we going to carry it back home?? XD

so this is my mum's car interior.. doesn't this remind you of bubuchacha's car?^^ with the tail..

ahaha..i was planning to draw how we fit in the mattress because it was pretty funny..XD
but i was too lazy to continue drawing..
anyway..we tried like 3 times to fit the mattress in the car..
we folded both the behind seat and put it up near the window..
then we fold the smaller middle seat but the mattress was still sticking its butt out..ahaha
then i suggested that we fold the other middle seat too so that we can lay the mattress flat down and my sis can sit on the mattress or just lie flat on it..
the mattress could fit in but then we realize that we couldn't do that because my sis can't buckle the seat belt..ahaha..i wasn't thinking when i thought of that idea..XD
in the end..we folded the wider middle seat..let my sis sit in the smaller middle seat with all the stuff..ahaha..and we push and squeeze the mattress a bit so that it can fit it and it finally did..=)
so we went home happily ever after and that's the story of that day..^^


helo!! ahaha.. =)
i am here to tell you that i'll be updating my blog tomorrow!! XD
i know that you just can't wait..can you??!!
so for now.. just read this post and feel satisfied.. a small update to ease your hunger for more..
wooow..i say until like my blog is a super big hit..ahaha
anyway..see you tomorrow... ^^

good night... =)

P.S i feel pretty
oh, so pretty
i feel pretty and witty and bright!!!!
and i pity
any girl who isn't me tonight!!
ahaha..this song has been stuck in my head during my whole week of examination..XD
weird timing..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
2nd week of college..

ahaha..its the 2nd week of college already..i'm quite free now so i've decided to write something here..^^
my mum just asked me why do i look so free because i was lying on the sofa watching tv..
she said that she remembered when my sisters just started their college..they were quite busy i think..
ahaha..anyway..actually i'm not that free..XD..i've got piles of homework waiting for me..
got to revise and study constantly too but i just haven't get that momentum yet..
well..i guess i better get started but first.. i need to make my books happy..
ahahahaha..i need to wrap them up with beautiful wrapping papers, decorate and draw a bit here and there..ahaha..like that it'll look more joyful, sweet, lovely, readable and attractive..kekeke
hope you guys love your books too!! ^^

~a short and weird post~ ahaha

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

helo!! i've just started my college..actually today is my 3rd day and i was late for my math class..XD
the reason is because i don't know how to read the timetable they gave us..ahaha
its suppose to start at 10.30 but i thought it starts at 11..T.T everyone was already sitted when i went into class..oh gosh..
but at least now i know how to read the time..ahaha..or else i'll be late for the whole semester and be blacklisted...ahaha..not that serious la...
anyway..the first day of college was quite scary..only got 1 day of orientation and i sat next to simon.. :) ahaha..actually i sat next to a girl (got a blank chair between us)but we didn't talk eventhough i kept smiling.. :D
my friends say that may be she thinks i'm crazy because i kept smiling to myself(pooi lee told me to smile the whole day..XD) but i think its because she's just shy or concentrating on filling up the form.. that's why she didn't notice me smiling at her..or did she even notice i was sitting there? ahaha..oh well..
my classes started on the 2nd day..a bit to fast..the culture and ideaclass was okay but the english class was fun because we played some games to know our classmates better..ahaha
we had to introduce ourselves and like usual i did something which i later on thought i shouldn't have done..ahaha..at least it was just a small mistake.. =)
well..that's all for now..a quite boring post..ahaha..i'll update on my ns next time..kekeke..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
korean bbq....

helo!!! ahaha..it has been so long since i last updated my blog..
anyway, today i went out to eat korean bbq with jj, hy, qh, mel, pl, hl and zr..
before that, i went bowling in pyramid!!! yuhoooo!!! we played more than 3 rounds..ahahaha
i was really really really happy because we could all go for the dinner this time!!! =)
eventhough we had different topics to talk about, i still felt happy.. ^^
ahaha..i wanted to upload photos on this but...ahhhhhhh!!! i don't have the photos..ahaha..whyyy??

Sunday, January 4, 2009
happy new year!! =)

Helo!! happy new year!! ahaha...
i went to 1 utama with my family for the countdown and we had the best spot to see the fireworks..
ahaha..we could see both 1 utama and the curve's firework..=)
well.. i'm currently working in pyramid.. waiting for ns..ahaha
lots of my friends are starting college tomorrow..i hope they'll have fun and don't lose touch..ahaha..i really hope so..
oh ya.. i went to genting with pooi lee, hui liam and jiun jie on the 2nd and 3rd of january.. it was very fun but very misty..
ahaha..i think that it was so cool that it was so misty until our hair got wet..ahaha..XD
but we couldn't play the roller coaster.. oh well.. next time..ahaha..=)
ahaha..i also like the spinning cups and dumbo..ahaha..dumbo because the green colour button actually works..it can go up and down..spinning cups because it just makes people dizzy and feel like vomiting..ahahaha..(plus most of the other rides were close...XD )
we also went bowling..ahaha..bowling in genting..XD..i like bowling!! i had 2 strikes for my first time bowling...ahaha..weeeee...i want to go bowling again.. and again.. and again..^^
at night we went to starbucks coffee..ahaha..it was a very relaxing moment..ahaha..and we played uno..draw 4 draw 2..>.<
after that we went back to the hotel..we played cards and monopoly..XD
i had stomachache the whole night so i kept burping..ahaha..my dirty little secret.. i burp a lot.. =P
ahahaha.. sorry pooi lee.. i didn't know i'll move so much when i sleep..XD
anyway.. i love going out with you guys..=)
ahaha..i love you guys...^^

i was so sad yesterday night though..(reason--> xxxxxxx) haha
i almost cry..ahaha..i couldn't speak much..but at night i ate ice cream with my family and i think that made me feel a little better..ahaha
well..that's all for now..have fun in college my friends!!!
make new friends but don't forget the old ones too!! =)

Monday, December 1, 2008
what's ahead?

helo.. =).. it has been very long since i last updated my blog..
well.. spm is over.. ahaha.. i'm going to miss school so much and uniforms!!..
now i got to think of what to wear everyday when i go off to college.. and my sense of style is not that good..ahaha
hmm..its a big world out there..may be its not that big but there's still a lot of choices..
some of my friends know what they want to do but its still a blurr world to me...
what am i interested in? what do i want to do? think think.. ahaha.. and i'm still thinking..
actuarial science? business? accounting? medicine? teacher? ahaha..i have no idea..
i did try out some of the aptitude or personality test but they seem to list out EVERYTHING..ahaha..what's the difference?? still so many choices..
hmmm.. i'm still thinking but i got to think fast because time just fly by without you realising..=)